I have been trying to sew more but it's just so hard when Brixton is awake. He pulls my machine off the table! The machine was ok, just a few bumps. He wants to sit on my lap, which is fine but he wants to touch the machine. He tries to pull the fabric when I'm trying to sew. Colby and I have been throwing the idea of moving my growing obsession upstairs to the spare bedroom. That way it would be out the way and my mess wouldn't spread through out the whole downstairs. I think it's a great idea, but I want to get rid of the spare bed. So I have TONS of room. But then what do we do when family comes to stay? It's not that often, but we like to have some where for them. So maybe the blow up mattress?? Is that mean? Another option is the pull out couch/bed. It sounds good but who wants to spend $600 bucks on one?
So in the mean time, I have completed a few little projects.
It's a super cute little bag. My sister uses hers for her scriptures.
This one is for Allie, my youngest sister.
It's for laptops but you can use it for whatever you want.